When creating a new cloud phone profile, three creation methods are supported: Single Create, Quick Create, and Batch Create via Spreadsheet. Note that Quick Create and Batch Create are exclusive features available only with the Pro plan.

Single Create

  1. To create a functional profile, it’s essential to include proxy information. Both static and rotating proxies are supported and can be configured accordingly.


  1. Proxies that have been added in the “Proxies” section can be accessed from the “Saved proxies” dropdown menu. Each proxy entry will display the country of the proxy. To its right, you’ll find the number of the profiles linked to that specific proxy. Random matching is supported, with a preference for selecting those that have not been previously used.

<aside> 💡 Configuring an expired proxy in the profile is not supported.



After filling out a new proxy or choosing a saved one, you can click “Check proxy” to check its connection and location.


  1. Regarding Device information, we offer three types of cloud phones. Here’s the difference.
Device Android 11 Android 10 Android 12
Recommended Use Cases Suitable for automated tasks, no sound, does not support camera or app uploads, recommended for basic account management and TikTok automation tasks Supports sound, runs various apps smoothly, supports camera (for scanning codes/live streaming, etc.), allows app uploads, suitable for various scenarios Supports sound, runs various apps smoothly, supports camera (for scanning codes/live streaming, etc.), allows app uploads, suitable for various scenarios
Charges $0.08 per 15 minutes, capped at $0.80 per day $0.08 per 15 minutes, capped at $0.80 per day $0.10 per 15 minutes, capped at $1.00 per day
Monthly Cost (30 days) $24 per device $24 per device $30 per device

Device charging method:

  1. The Auto-match function automatically selects the most suitable cloud phone region based on your proxy details. If you opt for “Custom,” you will need to manually specify a country.
