To create cloud phone profiles, click New Profile
in the top right corner or under the Profiles section.
You can create profiles in three ways: Single Create, Quick Create, and Batch Create. Note that Quick Create and Batch Create are Pro plan exclusive features.
When creating a profile, you'll need to fill in these required fields:
Select a profile group for it.
Operating system: Android is fully supported and optimized for our platform. We're actively developing iOS support to bring you the same powerful features in the near future.
To create a functional profile, it’s essential to include proxy information. Both static and rotating proxies are supported and can be configured accordingly.
In the Custom section, you can insert a new proxy by filliing in your proxy details got from proxy providers.
Proxies that have been added in the “Proxies” section can be accessed from the “Saved proxies” dropdown menu. Each proxy entry will display the country of the proxy. To its right, you’ll find the number of the profiles linked to that specific proxy. Random matching is supported, with a preference for selecting those that have not been previously used.
<aside> 💡 Configuring an expired proxy in the profile is not supported.
After filling out a new proxy or choosing a saved one, you can click “Check proxy” to check its connection and location.
Choose a billing method for different Android models.
Select device type.
Select a region for your cloud phone. The Auto-match function automatically selects the most suitable cloud phone region based on your proxy details. If you opt for “Custom,” you will need to manually specify a country.
Choose a language for your cloud phone. We recommend using the Based on IP option, which automatically sets the language according to your installed proxy.
<aside> 💡
All device settings are generated automatically and optimized for maximum protection from bans. But you can still alter the settings by clicking the New cloud phone
The group/tag/notes for profiles created in this way are identical; the profile name is generated by the system by default but can be modified in the [Profiles] list.
Like “Single Create,” it supports [Randomly select] for proxies.
<aside> 💡 Please note: For non-super admin accounts, the “Group” field is mandatory.