Add, save, edit, and delete your commonly used proxy information.

Proxy details typically include type, host, port, account, and password. You can use this information when creating or editing environments.

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• Supports three types of proxy information: HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5

• Supports dynamic proxies: kookAuto (kookeey), IPideaauto (IPIDEA), IPhtmlauto (IPHTML), and Lumauto (Luminati)


Add & Save

Head to the [Proxies] section, click “Add proxy” to add the proxies you need.


You can view the number of profiles linked to each proxy in the proxy list.

<aside> 💡 When adding batches of proxies, ensure each proxy is entered on a new line, separated by a colon “:”. For example: Format → Proxy type://Host:Port:Login:Password Example → socks5://


Check status

When adding proxies, utilize the “Proxy Tests” function to check the IP connection and location. Once checked, confirm the additions by selecting “OK”.

Supported IP query channels: IP2Location, IP-API



You can delete proxies by clicking the 🗑️ icon.

The option to delete a proxy is unavailable if it's currently linked to existing profiles.