GeeLark cloud phone fees consist of three components: monthly subscription fees, cloud phone charges, and automation task points.

Subscription Fee

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Refer to the plan pricing: Pricing plans


We offer three types of plans:

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One profile can be understood as one cloud phone device.


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"Total free minutes" refers to the complimentary usage time granted by the system after you subscribe to a plan. This time is based on the number of profiles and the specific plan you've chosen. All profiles share these free minutes. Once they're exhausted, costs are deducted from your account wallet balance.


Cloud Phone Charges

Cloud phone charges are based on usage duration, with fees deducted from your wallet balance. If your balance is insufficient, you won't be able to use the cloud phone.

Billing rules:

  1. Charges begin after exceeding the monthly free usage time
  2. Billing method: $0.007 per minute after successful startup; billing stops upon shutdown
  3. Daily cost limit per device: $1.00
  4. No usage incurs no charge

Automation Task Points