Step 1: Add a proxy.

<aside> 💡 You can add proxies in batches.


Step 2: Create a new profile.

<aside> 💡 When setting up a new cloud phone profile, Android 11 has certain limitations: it lacks sound, does not support the camera, and does not allow app uploads. In contrast, Android 12, Android 10, and Android 9 profiles come with full sound capabilities, camera support (enabling features like QR code scanning and live streaming), and the ability to upload apps.


Step 3: In the [Billing] section, recharged funds in your “Wallet” can be used for several purposes: purchasing Base/Pro packages (which include the profiles, users, and subscription duration), paying for cloud mobile usage fees, and buying points for [TK Automation] feature (used for running TK automation tasks and AI editing).

Step 4: The [Members] section allows for the creation of diverse user groups, addition of team members, role assignments, and control over their access to specific profiles and features.