ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a command-line tool that lets you control an Android device from your computer. It lets developers and users install apps, debug software, access files, and control device functions—all from their computer.

GeeLark now includes ADB integration, giving users more control over their Android devices. This feature works with Android 11, 12, and 13.

Here’s how to use ADB in GeeLark:

  1. Enable ADB in the desired cloud phone profile in the Profiles section.


Enabling ADB for several cloud phone profiles is also available.


  1. Start the profile. When the profile is opened, click the 🔗 icon to get the IP address for connection and connection code.

  1. For Windows users, open Command Prompt, or for macOS users, open Terminal. Type "adb connect *IP address for connection*" to connect to your desired IP address.

Next, enter the login command with your connection code: adb -s *IP address for connection* shell glogin f850ef

For example:

adb connect
adb -s shell glogin f850ef

  1. If you want to get connected to only one cloud phone, there’s no need to specify the device. For instance: